Why Bulk Text might be your next top revenue channel
Pause for a second and think of this question. How many unopened emails do you have right now in your inbox versus unread text messages on your phone? This is why so many brands are using Bulk Text and mobile marketing to connect with consumers instead. If you are like me, there are literally hundreds […]
Compliant Sender Names – New Rules from Oct 31st 2023
What is a Sender ID? A Sender ID, AKA Sender Name identifies who, or what organisation has sent a message – and your customers see it when they receive an SMS from you. The Sender Name appears on the receivers mobile handset and identifies who the message has come from. It is very popular with […]
Sendmode Bulk Text Marketing Newsletter – May – 2021
Short Burst of News from Sendmode Bulk Text Marketing
Three Things You Need to Know About Mobile Marketing
If you do not have mobile as part of your marketing strategy, you need to move quickly. Google said last year ‘It is not mobile-first anymore, it is mobile ONLY’. More people browse the internet on their phones now than on a desktop, you NEED to have a mobile marketing strategy. There are a number […]
What is Drip Marketing?
Drip marketing is a marketing strategy that sends small bits of information to customers over time. It is intended to build awareness and interest in your product or service slowly rather than a once off information blast. It can take many forms including email and bulk text marketing. It is widely used on the internet […]
Social Media Marketing
Did you know that 90% of all marketers say social media marketing has increased their business exposure? Or that 66% of marketers that spend at least 6 hours on social per week have seen more leads? No matter what you sell and who you sell it to, using social media as a marketing tool can […]
The Importance of Video Marketing
Social Media Marketing and SEO are two tightly interwoven strategies, adding video to this is a recipe for success. From traditional TV commercials to today’s YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook Live, and IGTV, video has become a staple in our everyday lives. And one of the most successful ways to get your message out there. With figures […]
WhatsApp Marketing is on the way
WhatsApp has announced that they will be charging businesses for sending messages to their customers about events, promotions, offers, appointment reminders and event tickets. Is it limited in any way? Yes a little, it will not be a broadcast marketing tool like SMS as Businesses will still only be able to message people who contacted […]
Offline Marketing Strategies
Nowadays business owners can be overwhelmed by the number of channels out there for marketing their business. Much of the focus involves modern marketing techniques on the internet such as SEO, social media, content marketing, Facebook Ads, Google ads and other online marketing tactics. However, you don’t have to limit yourself to these. In fact, […]
What is Digital Storytelling?
Digital storytelling is a great way to connect with your customers and show them how you understand their requirements. Effective storytelling is important in not only helping consumers identify what their problems and needs are and presenting your products or services as a solution but in helping them to relate to your business on a […]