Regardless of industry, pricing, quality of goods and services it is reported that only 8% of sales people make 80% of sales. Why is that? Is it the special sales techniques, charm, promising the earth, being super pushy, offering clever incentives and deals? We believe it comes down to one of the most important attributes human beings can have; the ability to listen.
Listen to your customer
Let’s start with an example; a Business owner recently signed up for our Bulk SMS marketing product and we arranged a quick call to introduce ourselves and the service. The business owner is looking for a direct channel to his customer and likes the idea of using a short concise message to reach the customers handset. OK so we see a fit between what the customer wants and what we can provide. So we continue to ask questions, listen and learn about our customer’s needs.
The business wishes to personalize the message to each customer, segment the customers into various groups and send promotions every couple of days.
In the above case we can provide everything the customer wishes but would disagree on the final point. We advised that over campaigning will hurt his brand and people will opt out of receiving communications with the business.
This advice in itself could allow the business owner to take a look at how much marketing the business is doing and if consumers are being bombarded with marketing messages every couple of days.
We have advised our customer to send an SMS Marketing campaign once a month, advising them to use our service LESS often. Crazy? Well no, we are building trust with our customer and showing that we want to serve their needs in the best possible way to add value to their business. Not through short terms gains but by providing a valuable services over a long period.
Listening, we have found, is one of the best sales techniques there is. Period.
We hope you found the above information helpful and thank you for taking the time to visit our blog. We are available 24/7 for any of your marketing needs, especially in the areas of mobile and SMS Marketing. Contact us by email, phone or online chat at any time.